Monday, 7 April 2008


Hi peeps, great to hear from you all, I'm going to have a look at all your bloggies with Claire, she can type faster than me! (She's not so good looking though!)


Hazel Bridges said...

Hi Lizzie

I see you've got doing cute down to a fine art and your human training sounds quite impressive with the possible exception of the bath problem (what is it with humans and baths?). I got out of rescue in Sept 06 and I'm loving it.


Charlie Boy

BenTheRotti said...

Hi Lizzie,

I'm sure is just gorgeous.. you cheeky girl :)
Hope you are enjoying meeting some new friends, they are a great bunch.


Ben xxx

BenTheRotti said...

meant to say I'm sure CLAIRE is just gorgeous.. my brain melted as i typed

Ben xxx

Ben & Darling said...

Hi Lizzie, found your blog thru Ben the rotti. I will drop by often.

i said...

Hiya Lizzie! Get to know about you from Ben's blog. It's really nice to meet you!

BenTheRotti said...

Hi Lizzie

I have tagged you for a fun game .. please check my blog entry for details

Ben xxx

BenTheRotti said...

Hi Lizzie,

just checking in.. long time no paw :(
Hope all is well with you

Ben xxxx

World of Animals, Inc said...

It's great to meet you Lizzie. We are glad Claire is there to help you with your bloggies with other friends. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
World of Animals